Modern Nursery’s Pebbletex Organic Cotton Crib Mattress Protector is hands down the most amazing crib mattress protector pad on the market, and I am thrilled to tell you all the reasons why I feel this way. Trust me, my kiddos and I put this mattress protector pad to the test, & it passed with flying colors! We are pumped to share the results of our fun waterproof test with you! Cue the awesome test video link below...
Video: Will the Modern Nursery Crib Mattress Protector Pad pass my waterproof test?
Mama, let me break down some of the reasons why, as a heath conscious, eco-friendly, & holistic-minded mother, I LOVE this protector pad.
Personally, what you put on (and in) your precious brand new baby is super important (vital, actually), because toxins affects their development, so when you’re choosing diapers, clothes, their sleep surfaces,’s extremely important for me to choose organic & non-bleached products for my kids, when possible, of course.

Modern Nursery’s crib mattress protector pad is a safe, breathable, and completely practical option for your growing & developing little one. Mama, this protector pad is made without harmful chemicals, off gassing, and VOCs. That’s HUGE for me, because I’m putting my developing child on this surface to sleep for hours (well, at least 2(ish) hours as a newborn between nursing sessions, but go with me here). I do NOT want them breathing in chemicals while they sleep/nap in their crib. The fact that the protector pad has an organic cotton top fabric that is bleach AND dye free, as well as hypoallergenic really just makes me all giddy. Not only that, but mama’s Modern Nursery went all out and had the product tested and approved by internationally accredited SGS Labs to confirm that it is free of Metals, Antimony, Phthalates and other harmful chemicals! (Um, that’s incredible and puts my anxious, health conscious mind at ease!)
As you saw in the video, the crib mattress protector pad works! Literally no liquid made its way through the protector pad and onto the crib mattress. The fact that the product actually works to keep liquids off your crib mattress should be enough to convince you to purchase it; however, it’s important to also note that the waterproof polyurethane coating also inhibits mold growth and protects the mattress from dust mites and allergens. (It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?)
Modern Nursery’s Pebbletex technology is comprised of pebble shaped puffs that are not only adorable, but they are made of soft plush polyester fiber that enables air to better circulate under and around your baby as they sleep. I’m one of those that needs to see for myself, so of course, I put my own face straight down on the protector pad, & guess what? Yep, you guessed absolutely can breathe through it easily! Additionally, I asked my almost 4-year old daughter if she could breathe through it, & much to her surprise, she said that she was able to easily breathe through the mattress protector pad!
As a working mom of 2 kiddos, time and efficiency are of the essence to keeping the ship afloat. Although we do own a breathable and washable Newton crib mattress, it’s not easy to find the time to clean it and let it dry before the next nap time or bedtime. Modern Nursery’s crib mattress protector pad takes care of that for you, because it makes diaper leaks a breeze to clean. I’m not sure about you, but there is ALWAYS a load of laundry that needs to be washed around here, so you can simply throw in the protector pad with a load, & it’s dryer safe on low heat. I’m telling you, this is a no-brained purchase. You know, some crib mattress protector pads (& crib sheets to be honest) are a pain in the booty to put on an take off. The Pebbletex’s organic cotton jersey fitted sides are so stretchy that my 4-year old can put it on and take it off by herself. So, that means it’s easy & takes a chore off my!

The price tag on this awesome-sauce protector pad is only $49 (save 10% when you sign up for Modern Nursery’s emails), which is completely reasonable, given that the product is high quality, organic, breathable, works as advertised, & is totally cute with the gender-neutral pebble pattern. The price is actually so reasonable that I HIGHLY encourage you to purchase two, so that there is always one clean. This would also make those middle of the night leaks much easier on you, mama, because you can simply grab the clean mattress protector pad out of your drawer and pop it right on completely stress free! Wham bam thank you ma’am!
Oh, and one last thing, the protector pad is also thin, and it’s not loud, crinkly or rubbery like others on the market. That’s important, because you don’t want every move your little one makes while sleeping on their crib mattress to be loud and wake them up.
So, what are you waiting for? Go grab yourself one! You’re going to LOVE it! Read more from author and doula, Chelsea!