BPA [bisphenol A] is an industrial chemical found in plastic, epoxy resins, and even food and water containers. This chemical has been linked to adverse health effects in fetuses, newborns and children.

Formaldehyde is something you want to stay away from because it is a cancerous, strong-smelling, colorless gas commonly found in pressed-wood products.

Phthalates disrupt the body's hormones and some are known carcinogens. The chemicals from baby gear and wallpaper can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed.

PFAS-free baby products do not contain poly-fluorinated alkyl substances which are a group of around 4,700 industrial chemicals that can be found everywhere around us.

Fire retardants are chemicals that are often sprayed onto car seats and baby products to make them fire resistant. But, these poisonous chemicals are known to cause hormone disruption, neurological damage and even cancer.
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