GREENGUARD Environmental Institute certifies products and materials through a nine-step process for low chemical emissions, including VOCs.

GREENGUARD Gold is awarded to low or non-existent chemical emission items. These items are screened against 10,000 chemicals and VOCs and are safe for sensitive individuals.

VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) are chemicals from specific solids or liquids (like wax, paints and varnishes) that can be emitted as gas. It has been proven that this easily inhaled chemical may lead to cancer, liver, and kidney diseases.

Phthalates disrupt the body's hormones and some are known carcinogens. The chemicals from baby gear and wallpaper can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed.

Fire retardants are chemicals that are often sprayed onto car seats and baby products to make them fire resistant. But, these poisonous chemicals are known to cause hormone disruption, neurological damage and even cancer.