Sustainability comes in many forms, from ethical labor practices that give back to the surrounding community, to environmental protection - like zero-waste manufacturing or planting trees for each product sold.

GOTS certification tests for the use of harmful chemicals and toxins, as well as verifying environmentally and socially responsible production of organic textiles.

Formaldehyde is something you want to stay away from because it is a cancerous, strong-smelling, colorless gas commonly found in pressed-wood products.

Phthalates disrupt the body's hormones and some are known carcinogens. The chemicals from baby gear and wallpaper can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed.

When you shop for organic baby products you are limiting your child’s exposure to harmful toxins likepesticides.Not only are they safe for your baby, but the natural and biodegradable ingredients are also safe for the environment.
The Etta Loves Grow With Me Sensory Muslins Set is a pair of organic cotton muslins created to support your baby's cognitive development. Their patterns are cleverly designed to become more and more intricate to the baby's eyes as they grow and their vision develops, providing hours of visual stimulus and entertainment to the babe. The black and white print is perfect for ages 0-4 month; once your little one's color vision develops at 5 months, simply switch to the colorful print!
- Muslin dimensions: 31’’ x 31’’
- Made from 100% organic cotton
To find out more about the benefits of these muslins and get some inspiration on ways to use them, click here!