

      Shop the best in eco-friendly baby gear, furniture, and toys with Modern Nursery. Our organic baby gear is free of toxins and pesticides, which may be hazardous to expecting parents, children, and wildlife. This eco-friendly baby gear will also help ensure cleaner air and water, meaning a better future for your little one.

      The soil used to grow the cotton used in our eco-friendly baby gear, furniture, and toys are grown in petroleum-free fertilizer, lowering your carbon footprint. The lowered amount of exposure to pesticides will also lower your child’s risk of several physical and mental health conditions. Our sustainable furniture and toys are not only adorable but are also made using natural, non-toxic paints, stains, and dyes. Be sure to look for designers following GREENGUARD Certifications, GOTS Certifications, Members of the Sustainable Furnishings Council to ensure you are getting the safest, most sustainable option.

      128 products

      128 products